Kamis, 15 Desember 2011


Salam blogger kali ini saya akan membahas tentang virus chating dikarenakan banyak sekali teman-teman facebook saya yg terkena virus ini..
Tampilan bahwa komputer kalian terkena virus ini adalah seperti ini.
Jika sobat-sobat klik link yang tertera pda kolom chating maka akan langsung mendownload file induk virus dan akan langsung menginfeksi komputer.
Virus langsung mengubah registry komputer dan secara otomatis akan menyebarkannya juga melalui media jejaraing sosial melalui chating.

Jika sudah terlanjur terkena virus ada kok cara untuk membersihkannya..

1. Download antivirus(saya gunakan AVG Free Edition) disini
2. Restart komputer dan masuk ke save mode (Setelah layar komputer blank dan mulai hidup, tekan/tahan tombol F8 sebelum logo Windows muncul,)
3. Buka instalan AVG ANTIVIRUS yang tadi telah di download..
4. Install di komputer
5. Scaning secara menyeluruh C: D: / E semuanya..
6. Setelah selesai scaning dan konfirmasi virus restart kembali komputer anda dan kembali ke mode biasa

Jika ada pertanyaan maupun komentar harap tinggalkan pesan :)

Selasa, 06 Desember 2011


Setelah saya menjalani survey dari mixfaq.com selama kurang lebih 3 minggu, saya sangat terkejut dengan apa yang ada pda profil mixfaq saya...
pagi ini saya membuka profil mixfaq dan saya lihat saldo account saya berubah menjadi $3 padahal waktu terakhir saya lihat sudah mencapai $650 lebih.
Ternyata mixfaq itu scam
Bagi yang masih menjalankan survey saya sarankan untuk berhenti mengikuti survey hanya membuang2 waktu saja..

Teman saya pun sudah mencapai $500 dan hari ini berubah menjadi $3 sungguh sialan gan...
Saya ulangi lagi segera hentikan kegiatan anda yg menyangkut pada mixfaq karena hanya sia2 saja...

Minggu, 04 Desember 2011

Lelah Sudah

Tak tau kemana harus kulangkahkan kaki ini
Yang terasa berat dan kaku..
Waktu terus mengejarku dari belakang
Ku tak bisa menghentikannya untuk beristirahat sejenak..

19 Tahun sudah kujalani hidup ini,,
Terlalu banyak sedih yang kujalani..
Aku butuh pemandu jalan yang menerangi kala gelap menjelang,,
Yang slalu mengulurkan tangan ketika ku terjatuh dalam jurang..

Saat mentari pagi bersinar di ufuk timur,
Ku tetap duduk dalam sunyi..
Seakan Tak terdengar lagi suara disekitar,
Ku terdiam menghayati diri..

Aku kan menunggu datangnya Sang Inspirasi
Yang membangunkanku dalam imajinasi
Sampai ku bisa bangun dan kembali berlari,,
Terus berlari dan takkan berhenti,,
Sampai ku mati..

Sabtu, 03 Desember 2011

What Happened to Coffee?

The days when we used to wake up in the morning, grab the morning newspaper, and brew up a wonderful cup of coffee, have started to disappear. Unless you're a morning person who can get out of bed hours before anyone else and somehow start the day without the typical morning rush then consider yourself one of the lucky one's. If anything, people are usually running around the house, getting the kids ready, getting themselves ready, and running out the door. Some days they manage to squeeze some time into the morning routine to roll through a drive-thru coffee stand or even worse, a fast-food restaurant, to pick up a cup of java. Or they can wait to get to the office where they brew up the cheapest stuff that their employer can get, as you load it down with cream and sugar. How can this be? How does what's supposed to be one of the most relaxing and satisfying routines of the day become part of the rat race. 

As you probably know, coffee is 2nd most important commodity in the United States. Obviously, if you turn on your TV to watch the news you'll know what is first. But the coffee industry is big business, what you get at the fast food restaurant or at the office doesn't even touch on the quality that is out there. It's funny how anything that 
doesn't come out of the can is considered gourmet coffee. 
Gourmet coffee is not something that you can't buy at the 
grocery store; the most expensive stuff there doesn't even 
begin to touch on the quality that is available. Coffee 
roasting has become an art form. In a day when big companies use computers to do the dirty work, small specialty companies are still doing it the old-fashioned way with their experience and their brains. Roastmasters spend years honing their craft, and their experience is what makes for a great cup of coffee. These companies rely on freshness and quality to compete with the big boys who stock the grocery store shelves or ship it out to your local drive thru. You won't see any of their commercials on TV, even real late at night when there is the cheapest air-time. 

These specialty companies are successful simply based on their reputation. They work to get the highest grade beans from all over the world. They test everything to make sure the quality is as good as it gets. And then they baby it. Gourmet coffee is usually roasted in small batches to guarantee that nothing can go wrong. The time and 
temperature is completely under their complete control, and experience tells them when the beans are roasted perfectly. Any imperfections and the beans are tossed out and a new batch begins. They can do anything with coffee. They can create the perfect blends, add the best flavors, and guarantee that you will get the best cup of coffee that you have ever tasted. They rely on word of mouth, reviews, and tasting competitions to get their name out there. In most situations the only way to place an order with them is through the internet. Gourmet Coffee sites are everywhere on the web, but it is often hard to determine where is the best place to go. If you want a head start jump to http://www.bestsite4reviews.com/coffee/ and read about some of the best gourmet coffee companies out there. And believe or not, most of their coffee costs no more that what you pay for a bag of beans at the supermarket that have been sitting around for a couple of months. But best part about it is that you can have all of this in the comfort of your own home. This may give you the little extra that you need to get out of bed in the morning. 

EDC Gold and R2R Members You Have Been Cheated!

To land on a trustworthy teacher and mentor is a 50/50 gamble that you are willing to take right? 
Ok, even I must admit that I did not know it all and that our methods were not complete. I have many influential friends in all level of the internet marketing scene but none like the one I'm about to introduce to you. 

Have you been struggling to build up a regular flow of interested people to your opportunity? Better yet can you round up 25-30 signups daily? Because if you isn't then you're not in the game. 
The game I am referring to is the number game, the only thing that gets you into profit mode. Not to say that an outgoing personality and charisma don't help, but if you're just getting off the ground, you will need a massive amount of web traffic directed to your main site or squeeze page. 

I am introducing to you in a totally unbiased way, someone that without a shadow of a doubt will turn your life around for the better. Is name is Michelangelo Lopez and I will be the first to admit that the techniques he teaches put some of the most well known gurus to shame, literarily. 

It is a known fact that most mentors teach you some old stuff and then use totally different advertising techniques. Now why they can't keep you up to speed on what they know just blow my mind but Michelangelo shoots from the hip and makes no distinction between the many opportunities out there. In is own words " I teach the internet, NOT EDC gold, Roadmap to riches, Password to wealth or whatever". And he is on target with a variety of FREE advertising methods that will put you into a quick, profitable business straight out of the gate! "When you follow my class, it won't matter what you're representing out there! You'll push paperclips and find success at it!" 

I learned so much out of Michelangelo's that I make it a standard procedure of enrolling all my team members into his university which by the way can be found here: http://www.allaboutinternetmarketing.com But it doesn't matter what you aim for, do yourself a favor and blow the completion out of the water by calling my buddy and insure your success. He will love to help you, GARANTEED! He's a true pal!